How do I explain what happened?
My shire (local SCA group) gifted me with a throne appropriate for contemplation in Vigil- a porcelain throne, that is. Complete with fuzzy green rugs.
A friend did my cloak- and beautifully and with humor.
A friend did a large banner for me.
A friend made me a clothestool and filled the pot with chocolate truffles.
A friend made pelican cookies with frogs on the beak.
A friend knit a pair of socks, came to the event and slaved the entire weekend like she's been in the SCA forever- for her first event ever.
More friends cooked for me.
More friends announced me into court and arranged for schtick- the Entourage marched in- but I found something to do, and didn't go. Now originally, this was supposed to be a joke, but then Zack introduced me to his friend who had never been to an event before and I sat down to tell him what was happening to me and what it meant, and it almost was a surprise when someone came to take me away, and it was easy for me to protest that I had Things To Do and Not Time For This!
Duchess Dorinda sent lovely words for me via Caryl that were heartwarming. Caryl simply declared me Perfect, and Shut up and sat down- and Caryl Does Not Shut Up but goes into little stories all the time. Yngvar spoke, and it was dramatic and kind, but it didn't sink in. Fridrkr spoke, and he talked of the the various offices I currently hold and have held and went on for some time. But the real winner was Aoife, playing the game of please stand up. Please stand, she said, if you are a member of my shire, for she has touched you with her service. Please stand, she said, if you are member of Region 5 where I am currently regional seneschal (think kind of like regional rep), and then, please stand if you have signed a waiver in AEthelmearc. Since everyone in the room signed a waiver to be there that day- *everyone* stood. The king bid me rise, and see them all, so I curtseyed to them all. Most of the rest was a blur- but when y husband put the cloak of rank on my shoulders, and dropped my staff into my lap, all I could feel was the love.
It was wonderful.
I am exhausted- two weeks of not enough sleep, a weekend of not enough liquid, and too hyper to notice allergic reactions- it wore me out. I will spring back slowly from this.